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Cedar Creek Lake, TX
Vessel Safety Checks


One of the Auxiliary's primary missions is to promote safe boating through regular Vessel Safety
Checks.  The U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers free safety checks to boaters who wish to be sure that their boats meet all federal & state requirements.  The Vessel Examiners who perform these checks are specially trained Auxiliarists who are kept informed on the latest legal requirements for
boaters.  Vessel Examiners have no legal authority - their goal is to prevent boaters from getting equipment-related citations and to prevent safety-related accidents.  These safety checks are meant to be an educational experience.  The Vessel Examiners will check for all required items on board your boat and if everything is present and in good working order, they will award a decal to affix to your boat.  If you wish, they will also gladly explain the reasons for the various safety equipment requirements and explain how safety equipment works.  Flotilla 5-14 has several qualified examiners who are happy to check out your boat.


To arrange for a free, no risk safety check of your boat or personal watercraft  to make sure it meets Federal and State of Texas requirements contact our Flotilla and an examiner from our Flotilla will get back in touch with you.